Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Lets get a few things straight. Yes I will troll through other groups info and check out what new places they have gone to or what new evidence they have. We all do. It's interesting. But now I keep seeing claims all over the place about cleansing. We have gone through this before. Most people that claim they can clear a house or property, of spirits, are simply full of crap. In "most" cases that I have seen, cleansing piss thing off just as much as any other tactic out there. In others I have been told things calmed down right away but then after a week or so the spirits came back with a vengeance. Telling them to go away sometimes works. In some cases it does not. Religion is another subject. When a Priest come out to Bless your house, that is what they are doing. They are not getting rid of anything. Ask them. It's not the same with every religion. Most of what people say in this field is nothing more than theory. Fact is very hard to come by. Anyone who claims to be able to cleanse your home should have some pretty strong references and proof of many positive outcomes. I am not saying it can not be done. I am saying I have never met anyone who has lived up to the claim

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Paranormal Media

So without a doubt Social Media plays a big part in what all of the paranormal groups do. It is used to let everyone know you are there. It lets people know when you are investigating. It lets them know about your evidence. It has a great number of  ways it is used. You have Facebook, Twitter, My Space and a few others. You get cases from these different networks. People look at what you do and how you handle thing. They also check out your profile to see if you are crazy or just someone they would not want in there home or business. Facebook is the best for this. Google+ is also a great source. So most groups use these to advertise. There is also Craigslist. The unfortunate part about using Craigslist, other groups can "flag" your post. This means they can have it removed for no valid reason other than spite. Bummer. On Facebook, of course, they can't really flag you. But they can talk bad about you and then block you so you have no chance to rebut. Fan base has become a really big thing on Facebook. I think that most seem to think that if you have more fans, your group is better? There is a bunch of "you like my page and I will like yours". There is nothing wrong with this, if you want your entire audience to be other paranormal groups.  I think we get most of our clients from word of mouth. We have had a few from Facebook and from Craigslist. And then there are those that just find us from their favorite search engine. Social Media is a good tool but it can also make you look like a real ass.We all do it from time to time. It's not about how many fans you have, it's about what you do and how you act. Be a Paranormal Investigator.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


What we do is special. I am by no means saying we are special. The task is. At this point I am pretty sure none of our group do this with the goal of becoming rich or famous. I can not say that about most groups that I run across. We have been approached more than a few times by certain shows that have asked us to show our best evidence and reveal our scariest stories. This will not happen. For allot of groups, this would be a chance of a lifetime. And I completely understand the need to be recognized. But to be recognized in this fashion is also to be ridiculed in the same. I know for at least myself, when I watch the shows on TV and they start showing the evidence, I am for the most part disappointed in what I see. Once you go on a show, you become a target for all of the other groups who think they know and can do better. In most industries, any "PR" is "Good PR". Not in this one. Once you have been outed by more experienced and seasoned or just jealous  investigators, it is hard to come back and redeem your group. You had better have a very strong and loyal fan base that is willing to stick by you and your group during your very short lived "Fifteen Minutes of Fame". This is not the part that keeps us away from the dark side. The bigger
 part of course is the money. Selling out is an even harder thing to recover from. Greed seems to get in the way of a large amount of paranormal groups. Yes it is easy to set up a successful event that helps your cause. But when you start flat out asking for donations or pushing your t-shirts or dvd's of what you would call a documentary like you were supporting the entire homeless population with the proceeds, look in the mirror because you have failed. Back to the TV shows. If the deal is a good one, what do you do? Take the money and sell out knowing that it will be a short lived and quick fail for your name and group name? Greed rules many. Personally, I think even your well established fan base would not forgive such a poor and greedy choice. What are the odds that you will be another one of the very few shows that people make a living off of? It has been tossed around for us. We have discussed TV,radio and internet shows. Most fail. So maybe it's a fear of failure or maybe it the simple fact that, we know better. The occasional  news story or magazine interview is all we will do. We are not one of those groups that are in it to win it. We do not care to compete with the orb chasers. The money would be nice and make what we do much easier. . And we are in it to help. We would not be able to help if we were side tracked by media and camera crews. So if you sell out in this industry, it's over for you. You will not retire on a fail. You can retire a successful Paranormal Investigator.