Thursday, December 22, 2011


I do not even know how to start this rant. In this cut throat industry, there are many different types of groups and people. With ours like many others, we are in it to find out what is going on within the other side as well as help people understand what is going on to them. Yes there is thrill in. Much thrill. Nothing get you adrenalin pumping like something you cant see speaking to you from just a foot or two away. Or having something walk right through you. Your senses are at their peak during the investigation. There are some groups that are here just for the thrill ride. They claim not to be but that is fine. There are the groups that are in it for the fame and fortune that they might acquire. I know a couple and they are doing well. This is also something I do not have a problem with. There are a few others that are kind of hard to categorize. Still I have no issues with them. I use to have issues with everyone who did not see exactly eye to eye with me or what I believed in. No longer the case. I do not care anymore. All that counts to me is what our group does, so that is what I pay attention to. Our clients come first. The pay off for us is finding evidence or not and being able tell them one way or another, what is happening. I do not care about "paranormal unity", because this will never happen. There are too many groups going in too many directions. We share what we are able to put on our web site. We hate no one. We have a healthy respect for most. With all of this being said, some of the people in this industry just suck. We take crap from people all of the time. If it's not from a drunk, bible thumping hillbilly, it's from someone who is non-stop removing the ads that get placed on Craigslist. Or could be hearing third party about some half baked want to be wizard that we are nothing more than black shirts wandering around in the dark. Or from a members relative who is friends with another group who lets us know they are talking crap about us. Or knowing that a former team member is trying out of boredom to tarnish our reputation. It goes on and on and on. But I have said it before and I will say it again. In the long run, nothing that you do will stop us from doing what we do. Because we do what we do very well. You can't change the outcome of something we have already accomplished. It's too late. Hate us if you will. You are still watching us. Just do the right thing and leave us alone if you don't like us.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dead Ends Of The Dead

We are often asked by our clients "Who is haunting us?". That is always a question that is asked during the investigation over and over. Every now and then you get the answer. We do what we can by way of research but are not always successful with the results. Unfortunately this is not an easy task. We start with the internet and most of the time that where we stop due to time restraints. The resources are usually out there. Most being at your own library or assessors office. We always suggest you do as much research as you can. Chances are you will come up with more information than we will. So then on to the investigation. We ask all of the questions we possibly can. Sometimes we get no answers that would tell you who this is. You have to keep in mind, even if the house has been there a long time and you have all of the information on every person who ever lived and died  there, it still might not be any those people. You also have to remember that there could have been something else there before your house was there. People could have lived there and no records were kept. There is a ton of unwritten history. This is obviously information only the dead will know. After all, people have been dying ever since there have been people.